Expression of Interest (EOI ) by SCERT,Patna For Resource Person (Last Date- 31.12.2024).....Click Here
Quotaions and Tenders Short Term Tender Notice No-07/2024-25 Short term Tender Invited For Reconstruction of Boundary Wall in IB Backside Campus (Last Date-24.01.2025,15.00 PM) ....Click Here
Short Term Quotation Notice (Letter no-64) Short term Tender For Renovation of Pathway, B/W Chair & Street Light at Institution Building (Last Date-21.01.2025,15.00 PM) ....Click Here
Cancellation of Tender Cancellation of Tender for Construction of Badminton Court issued by Tender Notice No.- 05/2024-25.....Click Here
Short Term Tender Notice No-06/2024-25 Short term Tender For Renovation of Pathway, B/W Chair & Street Light at Institution Building (Last Date-21.01.2025,15.00 PM) ....Click Here
Short Term Tender Notice No-05/2024-25 Short term Tender For Construction of Badminton Court in Institution Campus (Last Date-21.01.2025, 15.00 PM) ....Click Here
Short Term Quotation Notice-1489,Date-27.12.2024 Short term Quotation for Renovation of Stage at IB Campus (Last Date-01.01.2025) ....Click Here
Short Term Quotation Notice-1445,Date-20.12.2024 Short term Quotation for Repair, Paint, Putty and Artistic Work (Last Date-26.12.2024) ....Click Here
Short Term Quotation Notice-1444,Date-20.12.2024 Short term Quotation for Renovation of Girl's Hostel Kitchen (Last Date-26.12.2024) ....Click Here
Eproc Short Term Tender Notice- 04/2024 Short Term Tender on website for Reconstruction of Boundary wall in College Campus (Last Date-04.01.2025, 15:00 PM)....Click Here
Short Term Quotation Notice-1434,Date-16.12.2024 Short term Quotation for Repair, Paint, Putty & Cotertina of Boundary Wall (Last Date-20.12.2024) ....Click Here
Short Term Quotation Notice-1433,Date-16.12.2024 Short term Quotation for Campus Development Behind Administrative Building (Last Date-20.12.2024) ....Click Here
Short Term Quotation Notice-1432,Date-16.12.2024 Short term Quotation for Renovation of Contertina On Hostel Boundary Wall (Last Date-20.12.2024) ....Click Here
Short Term Quotation Notice-1414 A,Date-11.12.2024 Short term Quotation for Supply and Installation of Geysers in Hostel 1 & 2 (Last Date-14.12.2024) ....Click Here
Eproc Short Term Tender Notice- 03/2024 Short Term Tender on website for Painting Work (Last Date-20.12.2024,15:00 PM)....Click Here Eproc Short Term Tender Notice- 02/2024 Short Term Tender on website for Boundary Wall Construction (Last Date-20.12.2024,15:00 PM)....Click Here
Letter no-1384,Date-04.12.2024- Short term Quotation for Installation of Chequered Tiles in College Building (Last Date-09.12.2024) ....Click Here Letter no-1383,Date-04.12.2024- Short term Quotation for Construction of Badminton court in college campus (Last Date-09.12.2024) ....Click Here Admission Notice 2024-26 Second Spot Admission Selection List (Admission Date-17 to 18 September 2024)- Science Selection List Arts Selection List Second round Spot Admission Provisional List(Last date of Aapti-14.09.2024) - Vacant Seats for Spot Admission...Click Here Second Spot Admission Schedule...Click Here Spot Admission Selection List (Admission Date-05 to 07 September 2024)- Science Selection List Arts Selection List Provisional Merit List for Spot Admission (Last Date of Aapati-02.09.2024) Provisional Merit List(Science) Provisional Merit List (Arts) Spot Admission Schedule....Click vacant seats for spot Tender /Quotation Notice प्रशिक्षण सहायक सामग्री,स्टेशनरी,आकस्मिकता से सम्बंधित सामग्री /सेवा आपूर्ति हेतु कोटशन उपलब्ध कराने की अंतिम तिथि- 21.08.2024 (3:00 PM)...Click Here Tender Cancellation Notice for Paint Work in Hostel 1 & 2 ...Click Here Tender for Paint work in Hoste- 1 & 2 (Last Date-23.08.2024,03:00 PM )....Click Here
Admission 2024-26 Second List for Admission in Session 2024-26.(Admission Date-03.08.2024 to 07.08.2024)......Click Here for List नामांकन सम्बन्धी सूचना एवं आवश्यक चेकलिस्ट ..........Click Here First Admission List issued by BSEB (Date of Admission 18 to 23 July 2024) ......Click Here Tender For Acoustic Work in Hall of Institutional Building (Last Date-15.02.2024, 03:00 PM)...Click Here Tender for Prefab (Extended Date-30.01.2024) .....Click Here Tender for Prefab Toilet,Flooring and False Ceiling (Last date-27.01.2024) .....Click Here Tender for Main Gate & Guard Room Construction....Click Here Campus Development Tender Notice(Last Date-19.01.2024) ..... Click Here Quotation for Pathway Construction Notice (Last Date-17.01.2024) ..... Click Girls Hostel -II Pre Fab Tender Notice(Last Date-10.01.2024) ..... Click Here Girls Hostel -I Pre Fab Tender Notice (Last Date-06.01.2024) ..... Click Here Tender Notice- Boundary निर्माण हेतु निविदा प्राप्त करने की अंतिम तिथि - 06 .01.2024 (3:00 PM) ...........Click Here Dormitory Pre Fab निर्माण हेतु निविदा प्राप्त करने की अंतिम तिथि - 03 .01.2024 (3:00 PM) ...........Click Here for Tender Notice Pathway निर्माण हेतु अति अल्पकालीन कोटेशन की अंतिम तिथि 29 दिसंबर 2023..........Click Here
साधनसेवियों के चयन हेतु साक्षात्कार दिनांक-23.11.2023 के पूर्वाह्न 11:30 बजे ......Click Here for Notice साधनसेवी हेतु अभिरुचि की अभिव्यक्ति/ आमंत्रण सूचना ......Click Here शिक्षकों के 5 दिवसीय आवासीय प्रशिक्षण हेतु अति अल्पकालीन कोटेशन ......Click Here Declaration As per Bihar School Examination Board (Affiliation,Bank Account and Routine etc...)...........Click Here